"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You are a bestseller!!!

Have you ever thought of your life as a book?

Every season we go through in life represents a chapter in our story. Some chapters are really long and boring. Some are filled with so much excitement that its seems to leap off of the page! Other however are saturated with tears and sweat which leave permanent imprints as a reminder to us of the battles we have faced and fortunately survived. Regardless of how difficult or enjoyable a chapter is, eventually it comes to an end and a new chapter begins.

Today signifies the end of a chapter in my life. The title of this chapter is called "Ada".

Some of my chapter titles have been very dramatic.

Here are some examples:

"The sadness and despair of being a non-traditional college student"
"I think I'm dying...or...I have cancer...or...I don't know what's wrong but I must be dying"

"Poor, poor, pitiful me"

...and, my personal favorite
"I am NOT a drama queen!"

Although the title of this current chapter in my life is not as dramatic as some my previous ones, the name says it all.
This simple title carries with it some of the richest and dearest memories that I have created throught the course of my novel thus far.

Here are some of the characters and special events that took place :)

Those are just a few of the pictures that represent a portion of my life in Ada.
With the closing of this chapter a new one is getting ready to begin! I will be moving to Moore, Oklahoma in one week and I'd like to preview some of the events that will take place in this upcoming section.
"Help! I'm lost...again"
"Look mom I can swim" (seriously at 28 I am going to learn to swim at the YMCA-no pictures will be provided for this embarrassing adventure)
"new friends, new faces and social gathering disasters"
...and of course
"Skydiving! (this section will include the portion on pooping my pants as an adult...j/k, but seriously)
So those are just a few of the new challenges I will face in the upcoming days and months.
How about you? How is your story coming along?
Have your chapters been filled with hardships, pains and despair? Have you had many joy filled chapters? Unfortunately, as we journey through life we can't escape the unavoidable sadness and misfortunes that sometimes plague a chapter, but we can control how we respond to those disasters.
If you find yourself stuck in a season that is boring, make the choice to end it!
The beautiful thing about writing your story is that YOU are the writer!
So get on with it already! Start a new chapter and write it the way you want it to be read!
Hopefully, my new journey of ups and downs will inspire and encourage you to turn your story into a bestseller!
Happy reading, and writing!

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