"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Humbled by Visions of Beauty

"When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive" - Psalm 69:32

Have you ever had one of those days when you are really struggling with where you are at in life?

You know....you just don't feel satisfied.

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling very discouraged....

I sat down and read my Bible to try and shift my focus, but I just didn't want to allow my spirit to feel comforted. (I was being a big baby if you can't tell)

I prayed that God would help me to get over myself and that He would provide me some comfort.

Well, He sure did provide comfort...but not in the way that I expected.
He provided comfort through visions of beauty that caused me to feel very humbled for not appreciating what I did have in my life.
It is amazing how God works....

I was struggling with not having my own home, and He reminded me that I was lucky enough not to lose my home in a tornado.
I was struggling with not having my own family, and He showed me the ache and loss of a family who had just lost their mother; reminding me that I was lucky enough to still have my mom and dad.
I was struggling with not having enough money, and He reminded me through the homeless man on the corner that I had enough.
I was struggling with not spending enough time working out in the gym, and He reminded me that I was lucky enough to have the ability to walk by seeing an elderly man walking down the street with a walker.

I am not saying that by looking at loss or despair in someone elses life that it will instantly make us feel better. It does however help to put things into perspective. It causes us to realize that we have so much more than so many people around us!

Is there anything in your life that you are struggling with?
Take a look at this world and you will see visions that will cause you to realize how blessed you are!

Yesterday, I was hoping that when I prayed for comfort He would bring some of the things into my life that I wanted.

However, God provided comfort by humbling me through visions of loss, hurt, and despair that I had more than I needed...

Oh how He loves you and me!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Love Is A Gift

 This is a picture of me and my sweet Mama L!

I have been living with her for 6 months now while I finish school, and it has been the most precious gift from God.
When I moved in part of the deal was that I would help her out for two weekends a month.
This consisted of staying at home Friday night through Monday morning to make sure that all of her needs were met, and that she would have someone to take her to church on Sundays.
I was excited/nervous about the opportunity to help.

Since moving in I have been blessed beyond anything I could even dream up or imagine.

Lorlene Patterson(mama L) is 87 years young. She is the mother of three wonderful children, who all have beautiful families. Her husband passed away several years ago, but she still talks about him daily and even sits in his chair in the garage about once a day and reflects on the past.(its a beautiful thing to see)
She has a lovely home, but spends most of her day sitting in a small room in the far corner of her house, where she watches FOX News all day.
She also has a large window in that room that allows her to look out at a beautiful pond.
Every day for the last six months I have come down my steps out of my room to find her sitting alone in perfect contentment.

This vision of contentment has really taught me a lot about my own life.

I have been in a season of constant "GO GO GO" lately. (I think most of us are there)
God knew that with all that I was going through that I would need gentle reminders to stop and pay attention to the small things.
I have come to really love and appreciate the small things because of my time with Mama.
I would like to share some of the things that she has taught me...just by being who she is.

Every day she spends time talking about her loved ones. She talks about her grandchildren and her children like they are the most precious things in her life. She shows me pictures constantly and I love every minute of it because I can see how much joy it brings her. Talking about family might seem like a small thing, but as I listen to her I am reminded of how important it is to invest moments into the lives of the ones we love. I sometimes find myself crying as listen to her funny stories and treasured memories, but I relish every ounce of happiness that it brings her! One of the most beautiful things to see is how her face lights up when she knows that someone in her family is coming to see her. You would think that a movie star was coming...but to her they are far greater than any movie star!

Laughter is a daily activity with mama. She always finds a way to make me laugh, smile and forget about the craziness of my life. I could be having the worst day and I will come in, lay my head down on the table and she will say some random comment and I can't help but burst out in laughter. In those moments I am reminded that life is not that bad. I will tell her my problem and she will say, "Oh honey...it WILL get better"

Today I asked her what was her favorite thing to do during her day. She said, " nothing at all". (and then she laughed..ha)
She was being funny of course, but the beauty in that statement is that she has lived long enough to know that true contentment comes when we are still.
I am not saying that we should be lazy....
But we have to strive for moments of stillness and rest. 
At 87 her joy is not found in anything materialistic. She could go anywhere or do anything, but her joy comes from the memories with family that were created a long time ago.

She tells me all the time that...
"Wealth can come and go...
Health can come and go...
but having someone in your life to love and treasure will be something that nobody can take away"

There is nothing in this world that we can take with us when we die. So while you are here spend time loving, caring and creating memories that will leave lasting imprints on the hearts and minds of those you leave behind.
Love is a gift...don't take it for granted

Oh how He loves you and me!

Lessons from a short man!

 I love the movie "Rudy"

The first time I saw this movie, I remember thinking, "YES...a movie about a short person!"
(Hey...its not every day that you see a hero depicted as short in stature. )

If you haven't seen the movie, the basic storyline is about a young boy who is determined to go to school at Notre Dame so he can play football. It walks you through his disappointments and let downs as he pursues, against all odds, his dream of becoming a player.

I know there have been several times in my life, when faced with disappointments and failures, that I have wanted to give up!
Life can get overwhelming, and the weight of everything can sometimes be so heavy that giving up would just be so much easier.
When we have a calling, passion, or dream that we are determined to see through, there is no disappointment too great that we can't overcome it!

God tells us in Exodus 33:14 that, "My presence will go with you. I'll see the journey to the end."

What journey are you on?

Maybe you are in the beginning stages of going for your dream. You might be sitting back thinking, "I can't accomplish a dream that big"

Maybe you are in the midst of pursuing your dream and you are fighting against disappointment, failure and defeat.

Wherever you are at...God promises you that He will see your journey to the end!
He doesn't promise that it will be easy...but He does provide you with the strength, perseverance and courage as you press on!

I have a dear friend who is really struggling right now!
She is fighting with all she has to get to where she knows she wants to be, but this life keeps throwing curve balls at her, causing her to become very discouraged.
The beautiful thing about my sweet, sweet friend, is that although she continues to face road blocks, she is determined not to give up!
She is daring to believe, and put every ounce of faith she has inside of her, that God's will be faithful to provide!

She reminds me of Rudy.

She is pushing, believing, working , and striving.....
She feels like her faith is small in stature, compared to the huge obstacles that stand in her way. But regardless of how small she feels, she knows that the power of God to get her through is bigger than anything she will face!

My dear friends...wherever you are at in your life right now...KNOW that God is able to do SO MUCH MORE than you can think of or imagine! That is a real promise out of His Word. (Ephesians 3:20)

Trust Him with your dream...
Lean on Him when times get tough...
and He will carry you on His shoulders as you victoriously accomplish what you have set out to do!

OHHHHHH how He loves you and me!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

sister from another mother

So the story must be told :) 

Once upon a time there were two little home schoolers :)

These two little girls didn't know each other when they were young, but they were destined to meet in a coffee shop(very storybook setting) many years later.

This is my version of our story :)

 One summer day as I was searching for a roommate to live with me in my new apartment, I decided to stop at a small coffee shop and ask a college pastor if he knew of anyone who needed a place to live. I had spent a lot of time looking for someone and I was beginning to get pretty discouraged. In the middle of telling him what I was looking for, he stopped me and turned to his left and pointed to the cutest, most fashionable girl sitting at a tall table working on her computer. He said, "Mechel, meet Reagan. Reagan, meet Mechel."
I talked to her for about 5 minutes...but I knew instantly that she was going to be my new roommate. 

Well, she did move in and I fell in love with her instantly!

I am sure most of you who read this blog know Rea. (if you don't know her, you should)

Some of the beautiful things about my friend include...but are not limited to...

An authentic heart....
A giving spirit...
A passion to serve...
The willingness to admit faults..
Unbelievable strength under pressure..
Deep love for family...
Always seeking to do what is right...
Always seeking wisdom to follow God's plan...
And the most, most, mostest, mosterest, supportive bestest friend ever! (kinda dramatic, but true :)

  She has been there for me through thick and thin since I met her, and I praise God every day that He brought her into my life. Like any friends, we have had our ups and downs...but everything has only made me love her more.
  She never ceases to amaze me with the strength of heart that she exhibits under pressure, and the determination to grow in His love every day.
  I am so thankful that God entrusted me with such a beautiful friend...
A friend that I am proud to call my sister!

Love ya Rea!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Radical love flows from a modest heart!

I would like to preface this blog by expressing to each of you that I dealt with some intense internal battles as I prepared to sit down and share my thoughts with you.
To be honest...I didn't want to share this blog at all.

I have been wrestling the Lord for weeks about sharing my heart, in love, on an issue that will seem "crazy" to some of you who read and listen to this.

I don't want to look crazy...
I don't want people to think I am legalistic...
and I definitely do not want to offend anyone.

So, my struggle has been trying to figure out how to share something that I feel women should be reminded of without hurting, offending or making myself seem "religious".
I have prayed over how to approach this topic.(I have mostly been praying that God would take the conviction away to share this...that never works by the way)
I couldn't tell what He was leading me to do, so I decided to seek after the answer by reading in Proverbs and by listening to some sermons that dealt with the issue that I was dealing with.

Well....those things only made me feel stronger that I needed to do something.( DARN!!!)

I will say that it is not easy to share something that you know others will look down on you for.
It isn't easy because a lot of times people will think that you are trying to look better than them or they will cast judgement on you...
All I can do is let each of you know that I am convinced that by sharing this I only seek to show you love!
Someone shared their heart in love with me about this issue and because it was presented in love...I was able to receive it better. My prayer is that those of you who take the time to listen to the sermon that I have attached will see this as a simple act of love.
All I can do is pray that as each of you listen to the sermon that I have attached to this blog, that you will be moved by the Spirit as He reaveals in love, the beauty of a radical and modest heart!

(click on this and  you can hear the sermon right away...it is worth it)

Oh how He loves you and me!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


"On the day I called, You answered me;
my strength of soul You increased." Psalm 138:3

 Are you facing something in life right now that you need the Lord to give you a solid answer on?

I know that when I am struggling with something that I have been praying for for a long time, I will say this verse over and over again.

I found so much hope in the words because it says, "on the DAY I called, You ANSWERED me"

I would always think to myself ..."wow, on the day I cry out to Him, He is going to give me an answer".
I thought, "AWESOME! I am going to get my prayer answered today"!

The truth is He does answer our prayers right away.
Sometimes He says Yes...
Sometimes He says No........
and sometimes He says WAIT....

However, the more I recited this verse I began to see that what the writer became convinced of, was that God answered him by giving him strength of soul to carry on and wait for whatever His answer might be.

Later in that chapter David praises God for the way that He preserves him against his enemies.
David calls out to the Lord and says, "On the day I called, You answered me; my strength of soul you increased."

I do believe that the Lord answered David...whether it was yes, no, or not yet; however, I believe that what David is trying to convey to us is that whatever the answer was, the greater gift was that God strengthened his soul!
I know so many people right now who are hurting. I myself just got a NO from God...and it was very clear because it came in the form of a letter in the mail! (ouch)
What I have learned through this is that as I wait, or as I get disappointed with the dreaded "NO", the Lord still gives me something. He gives me the strength of soul to carry on!
There is nothing in this life that we can hold on to!
Everything that you have could be taken from you in a second!
Your job..
your health...
your children...
your family....

So many times we struggle though life because we want all of these things to be exactly right. We cry out to God asking Him to give us an answer for "something"....when what we really need is Him alone!
One thing I have learned in my life is that Christ is the only thing that lasts.
He is constant.
His faithful.
He never leaves us when we are hurting.
He never judges us for where we are at in life...
He gently waits on us to seek Him, and lovingly accepts us back into His arms.

Whatever you are facing today, remember that He is bigger!
Cry out to Him and ask Him for help, and watch as He pours out enough strength for your weary soul.

Oh how He loves you and me!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Isaiah 53:10  (Isaiah 53)

Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him;
he has put him to grief;1
when his soul makes2 an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

Is there anything in your life you are pleading for God to help you with?

I have several dear friends and loved ones who have called me lately that are overcome with grief as they cry out to God for answers and help.
I have cried and prayed with them; but when a friend shares moments of great confusion and deep hurt, it is not always easy to find words to say that will offer the encouragement they need.
I know sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, but my heart aches to do something or say something more to provide a band aid for their wounded soul.
Something common I hear from my friends, that resonates within me(because I know I have felt this way too) is this, "I am crying out for God to do something...but He is silent!"

This morning as I was thinking of my dear friends I have talked to lately, I began to think on that statement.

The part of that statement that hit me was "GOD DO SOMETHING!"
It is deep plea that is asked during a time of confusion and pain.
I began to humbly ask God for wisdom of how to offer encouragement to my friends.
I believe that sometimes we can get to a point when we are so beat down and weary that we have a hard time hearing words of encouragement. We are tired and wounded from life and we don't feel like fighting anymore.
Today as I was seeking out how to answer my friends questions about when God was going to help them, I was reminded of a verse in Isaiah 53 that shed some light.
In verse 10 Isaiah reminds us that, "it was the will of the Lord to crush Him".
Isaiah was telling us that it was the will of the Father to CRUSH His Son for US! 
You see my friends...He has done something for you and for me already!
He chose to send His Son to die for us and to suffer for us. Christ knows exactly what it feels like to be crushed and broken.
We all experience different things in life and no other human can really understand the depth of pain we are going through.
But we can find comfort in knowing that He understands!
If you are in a season of confusion, hurt, loss, or fear, I pray that even if you do not have the desire or strength to read His word...you will do it anyways!
Reading His word will not instantly change what you are walking though in life right away; but as you read of His sacrifices for you and the love He has for you, you will begin to experience a deep peace that will carry you through your storm.
Even He was not free from pain, persecution, betrayal or loss.
He came and experienced all of it not only to save our souls, but also to lovingly remind us in moments when nobody else understands ...that He knows!

I do not know what you are going through.
I do not understand the ache that you are feeling...
....but I do know that He has done something to help you!

Whatever you are facing, I pray that you will have the strength to seek Him for comfort... because I know you will find it in abundance!

My sweet friends... Oh how He loves you and me!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Put MANURE on it...but DON"T GIVE UP!

Are you facing something in your life right now that you want to give up on????

Is it something that you have been working hard at for a long time and you are just not seeing any fruits produced from your labor???

It could be a number of things...

You could be struggling with losing weight. No matter how hard you try to stick to your diet and try to get some exercise in...it just never seems like it works! You fall back into old habits and get so discouraged that you don't want to get back on the wagon.

You could be struggling with your finances. You tell yourself every month that you are going to do better with keeping track of your expenses and save more...but before you know it, the month is over and you have failed to accomplish your goals.

You could be struggling with spending time with the Lord. You know how important it is to spend time in the Word and you tell yourself that you are going to make sure to pray more, read more and study more...but as the days pass you feel frustrated that you just can't get focused.

You could be struggling with your job. It could be a number of things in this area that threaten to bring you down. You could be unhappy where you are at in your job and are waiting on God to open new doors of opportunity. You could be struggling with being so overwhelmed in your current position, and are waiting on God to deliver you from your situation.

You could be struggling with a relationship. It could be a marriage that has lost passion for a number of reasons;and you are pleading with God to restore authentic love. It could be a broken relationship with a mom, dad, sister, brother or any family member.

You could be struggling with... (place your own issue here).

Whatever you are dealing with in your life right now I want to encourage you....


Let me explain why I say this to you :)

In the book of Luke, chapter 13, Christ gives us a parable of a fig tree that provides us comfort in times when we feel like giving up.

It says,
“A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 And he said to the vine dresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?’ 8 And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. ”

There are a couple of things in here that I want to share that might provide you some encouragement. (I know I was encouraged as I read them)

First...I want you to see that the Lord says that this man was struggling to produce fruit for THREE YEARS!!!!! I don't know about you...but after that long I would want to give up too!

Second...I want you to see that Christ tells us this story and explains the frustration that the man must have felt after three years of waiting with NO results. I found great comfort in this because it showed me that Christ really understands how weary we can become as we wait on something! The Lord of this universe can relate to us!

Third...The Lord continues with story by showing us that even when we feel like we can't go on, HE WILL provide a way for us to get through! He tells us that we should put manure on the tree and wait....

He knows that there will be times that we want to give up!!!!
He is reminding us that we have to continue on in faith!
He knows it isn't easy...
He hears your prayers.
He sees your tears.
and He knows your struggle.

A friend told me the other day that when God wounds us He is binding us to Him! He said that if God were to give us everything we want we might be happy, but He would rather use the moments when we need Him to give us true joy in Him alone!

Begin to look at what He is teaching you as you wait.
Don't give up on what you have been believing and praying for. We serve a faithful God who knows exactly what you need...when you need it!!!

Keep going...don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh how He loves you and me!