"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lessons from a short man!

 I love the movie "Rudy"

The first time I saw this movie, I remember thinking, "YES...a movie about a short person!"
(Hey...its not every day that you see a hero depicted as short in stature. )

If you haven't seen the movie, the basic storyline is about a young boy who is determined to go to school at Notre Dame so he can play football. It walks you through his disappointments and let downs as he pursues, against all odds, his dream of becoming a player.

I know there have been several times in my life, when faced with disappointments and failures, that I have wanted to give up!
Life can get overwhelming, and the weight of everything can sometimes be so heavy that giving up would just be so much easier.
When we have a calling, passion, or dream that we are determined to see through, there is no disappointment too great that we can't overcome it!

God tells us in Exodus 33:14 that, "My presence will go with you. I'll see the journey to the end."

What journey are you on?

Maybe you are in the beginning stages of going for your dream. You might be sitting back thinking, "I can't accomplish a dream that big"

Maybe you are in the midst of pursuing your dream and you are fighting against disappointment, failure and defeat.

Wherever you are at...God promises you that He will see your journey to the end!
He doesn't promise that it will be easy...but He does provide you with the strength, perseverance and courage as you press on!

I have a dear friend who is really struggling right now!
She is fighting with all she has to get to where she knows she wants to be, but this life keeps throwing curve balls at her, causing her to become very discouraged.
The beautiful thing about my sweet, sweet friend, is that although she continues to face road blocks, she is determined not to give up!
She is daring to believe, and put every ounce of faith she has inside of her, that God's will be faithful to provide!

She reminds me of Rudy.

She is pushing, believing, working , and striving.....
She feels like her faith is small in stature, compared to the huge obstacles that stand in her way. But regardless of how small she feels, she knows that the power of God to get her through is bigger than anything she will face!

My dear friends...wherever you are at in your life right now...KNOW that God is able to do SO MUCH MORE than you can think of or imagine! That is a real promise out of His Word. (Ephesians 3:20)

Trust Him with your dream...
Lean on Him when times get tough...
and He will carry you on His shoulders as you victoriously accomplish what you have set out to do!

OHHHHHH how He loves you and me!

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