"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Humbled by Visions of Beauty

"When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive" - Psalm 69:32

Have you ever had one of those days when you are really struggling with where you are at in life?

You know....you just don't feel satisfied.

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling very discouraged....

I sat down and read my Bible to try and shift my focus, but I just didn't want to allow my spirit to feel comforted. (I was being a big baby if you can't tell)

I prayed that God would help me to get over myself and that He would provide me some comfort.

Well, He sure did provide comfort...but not in the way that I expected.
He provided comfort through visions of beauty that caused me to feel very humbled for not appreciating what I did have in my life.
It is amazing how God works....

I was struggling with not having my own home, and He reminded me that I was lucky enough not to lose my home in a tornado.
I was struggling with not having my own family, and He showed me the ache and loss of a family who had just lost their mother; reminding me that I was lucky enough to still have my mom and dad.
I was struggling with not having enough money, and He reminded me through the homeless man on the corner that I had enough.
I was struggling with not spending enough time working out in the gym, and He reminded me that I was lucky enough to have the ability to walk by seeing an elderly man walking down the street with a walker.

I am not saying that by looking at loss or despair in someone elses life that it will instantly make us feel better. It does however help to put things into perspective. It causes us to realize that we have so much more than so many people around us!

Is there anything in your life that you are struggling with?
Take a look at this world and you will see visions that will cause you to realize how blessed you are!

Yesterday, I was hoping that when I prayed for comfort He would bring some of the things into my life that I wanted.

However, God provided comfort by humbling me through visions of loss, hurt, and despair that I had more than I needed...

Oh how He loves you and me!!!!

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