"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Hedge of Protection

  As a woman in the workplace it is always my goal to walk in purity and set boundaries between me and people of the opposite sex. I work for a company that requires a lot of travel and I really want to guard myself from any situation that could potentially lead to harm. As I began to pray and seek the Lord on how to set good boundaries I came across this article by Nancy Leigh DeMoss that speaks on personal hedges of protection and how to act in a marriage. Even though I am not married yet, it is important as a single woman to set personal hedges of protection up in order to honor and glorify the Lord. This will also protect my dating relationship as well as the relationships of my co-workers and their spouses.

In this article my Nancy Leigh DeMoss she really hits the nail on the head on how we should set personal hedges of protection in any of our opposite sex relationships at work, church or school.

Some people that read this might think that it is very legalistic and too rigid...but I believe that God creates boundaries for our freedom and not to hold us back. By setting up personal hedges of protection you are able to walk in purity, honesty and freedom!
I hope you take the time to read over this article...I know that it has blessed my heart and given me tools at how to set boundaries as I work and interact with people of the opposite sex.

Personal "Hedges"

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Staying Vigilant
As I have studied the Scripture, observed others’ lives, and seen deeper glimpses of my own heart over the years, I have come to realize that no one—no matter how spiritual—is exempt from the potential of succumbing to moral temptation. I have also become convinced that any woman can bring about the moral downfall of any man—no matter how godly. This is one area of our lives where we can never afford to be less than vigilant.

According to God’s Word, a vow is a serious, binding commitment to God and not to be made or taken lightly. I have only made a few vows to the Lord. One of those sacred commitments is the vow to be morally pure. This is such a serious matter to me, that I have asked the Lord to take my life before I would jeopardize a marriage or come between any man and his wife.

I have often been in a position where it would have been possible to cultivate an inappropriate relationship with a married man—or at the very least to make incremental compromises that could have fueled sinful desires in my own heart or in someone else’s heart.

Why Do We Need Personal “Hedges”?
Over the years, the Lord has led me to develop a set of “hedges” (boundaries) in relation to the men that I have served with and related to in various settings. Those hedges have been a powerful safeguard and protection—for my own heart, for those men and their marriages, for my reputation, and most importantly, for the reputation of Christ.

I have been blessed to serve alongside of many men who have strong hearts for God. But I never assume that I (or they) are beyond being tempted and falling. The Enemy eagerly looks for opportunities to cause God’s children to fall.

Let me explain the concept of “hedges” a bit more clearly. By “hedges,” I mean boundaries we establish in our relationships with individuals of the opposite sex. (My focus in this piece is particularly on our relationships as women with married men.) Just as hedges surround our property to protect and surround what is ours, and define what is not ours, we also need hedges in our relationships. Once those hedges are in place, they need to be carefully maintained.

Each woman needs to know her own areas of weakness and vulnerability— especially if she has not been morally pure in the past—and adjust her hedges as needed, for greater protection. My personal “hedges” have been developed as I have watched others—and myself, at times—deal with difficult or tempting circumstances in relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Another word picture I have found helpful is the concept of “guardrails.” Anyone who has driven on a narrow mountain road knows how crucial a guardrail is for safety. Staying within the guardrails provides protection from falling off the edge of the mountain, but it represents more than that; it represents freedom. Guardrails do indeed “restrict” us, but they also free us to drive without fear.

Restrictions or Protections?
For those who may consider these principles “legalistic,” I would suggest that farfrom being restrictive, these “hedges” have allowed me to enjoy healthy, wholesome friendships with the men with whom I work and serve, as well as with their wives and children. Adhering to these practices has allowed me to have a part in strengthening marriages and family relationships.

I am not suggesting that all of these “hedges” are biblical absolutes or that violating any of these would necessarily be sin. However, after seeing the anguish and heartbreak of broken marriage covenants brought about by the entrance of a “third party,” I have come to believe that these are wise parameters and that those who violate them do so at their own peril.

Helpful Guidelines
This is not an exhaustive list or a guarantee against infidelity. These are simply some of my personal “hedges”—principles that have served me well during many years of working alongside married men. It was never my intent to publish this list. However, as I have shared this concept of establishing personal “hedges,” I have often been asked if I would be willing to share mine.

Further, I have watched enough naïve or foolish women (and men) act in inappropriate ways toward the opposite sex—and then been called upon to pick up the wreckage left behind—that I felt it would be helpful to share these specific examples.

My “hedges” reflect my desire to be discreet and not to defraud the men around me—through my speech, actions, dress, or attitudes. To some who have been influenced by our permissive culture, these standards will probably seem excessive. To which I would simply ask: what’s it worth to you to avoid the devastating consequences of adultery? It’s hard to imagine how an adulterous relationship could develop if these precautions were maintained.

For those who don’t know me personally, you might think this approach borders on being obsessive. However, I have found that as I hold to biblical convictions and keep specific practical “hedges” of this nature in place, I don’t have to “obsess” about guarding my heart or having pure relationships. I can trust God to work in and through me as I relate to men in godliness, purity, and wisdom.

It is my prayer that God will lead you as you seek to establish effective “hedges” and “guardrails” for your own life, and that you will experience the freedom, joys, and blessings of “keeping your heart with all diligence.”

Practical “Hedges” in Working with Married Men
Most of my contact with married men has been in the context of the workplace— working and serving together in ministry. A huge percentage of emotional and physical “affairs” begin in the workplace.

The following “hedges” are specifically targeted toward relationships with married men in the workplace, but most could be applied more broadly to relationships in other settings, including the church, school, counseling situations, social or community groups, etc.

These “hedges” are not necessarily a measurement of spirituality—it would be possible to abide by a list twice this long and still have an impure heart or be guilty of self-righteousness. No “list” can be a substitute for sincere love for Christ and a heart to please Him.

This is not a comprehensive list; these are merely some practical guidelines that I have found to be helpful and would urge you to consider as you develop your own “hedges” for relationships and become accountable to God and others for maintaining them.

As a rule, the closer the working relationship with a married colleague of the opposite sex, the higher and more “inflexible” the hedges need to be.

Reduce Opportunities for Temptation or Accusation
• If it is necessary to meet alone, keep the door ajar or meet in a room with a window. Don’t meet in private places; be sure others are in the vicinity.
• Always have a third party if required to travel together. Don’t ride alone together in a vehicle.
• When traveling for business or ministry, stay on different floors of the hotel, unless he is accompanied by his wife.
• No meals together without a third party. (I realize that in many business settings, it is considered “standard practice” to meet, travel, or dine with members of the opposite sex. But I am convinced that is risky at best and foolish at worst. In our ministry, maintaining these particular hedges often requires inconvenience or additional expense. But it’s a small price to pay if you care about being above reproach morally, guarding your heart, protecting others’ marriages, and, above all, glorifying God.)
• Don’t flirt! Be careful about even “innocent” playfulness and teasing—especially when you are alone with each other. (He should have more “fun” with his wife than with any other woman!)
• Dress modestly. (Provocative clothing sends an invitation to a party you have no right to throw.)
• Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t invite, receive, or initiate intimate forms of physical contact (i.e., embracing, kissing, caressing, stroking, etc.).

Refuse to Participate in Conversations That May Damage Relationships
• Don’t listen to him speak critically of his wife. Praise his wife to him and others. Never criticize her to him or to others.
• Don’t provide a listening ear for him to share his marital difficulties or tensions at home.
• Don’t confide personal or emotional concerns unless his wife or a third party is present.
• Avoid expressing admiration for physical characteristics, clothing, etc.
• Have a grateful spirit, but be discreet and restrained in offering verbal or written encouragement, even for godly characteristics. His need/desire for admiration should appropriately be fueled by his wife!
• Be discreet and restrained in expressing admiration for him to others.
• No secrets! Don’t communicate anything to him (verbally or in writing) that you would not be comfortable with him sharing with his wife (unless you’re planning a surprise birthday party for her!). Never ask that he refrain from sharing something with his wife.
• In written and verbal communication, include references to his wife (e.g., “How is _______ doing?” “Tell ______ I said ‘hello.’” “I am so grateful for you and ________.” “You and ________ have been on my heart.”)

Respect Co-workers’ Marriages and Family Relationships
• Don’t establish a close working relationship, unless you know his wife and have a positive relationship with her. (I realize this may not be possible in some work environments. But I have found this an enormously helpful principle. The more closely you work with him, the more important this is.)
• Copy his wife on any email communication that relates to personal matters (including spiritual issues). (I can’t emphasize this enough. Email can be an incredibly subtle avenue for inappropriate communication and cultivating “intimacy.”)
• Don’t call him or text him at home. Be considerate—if his wife or a child answers the phone, take time to connect with them before asking to speak with him.
• Be sensitive to periods that he and his wife may not have had a lot of time together, and limit time spent working together accordingly. Exercise the same caution if you have reason to believe there may be tension or stress in his marriage.
• When with the couple, include her in the conversation. If discussing work-related matters, explain what you’re talking about, so she doesn’t feel left out or “in the dark.”
• Show genuine interest in his wife and look for opportunities to bless, serve, and encourage her—birthdays, special occasions, needs you can meet, etc.
• Look for opportunities to minister to them as a couple (and family)—anniversaries, gifts for date nights, etc.
• Be a genuine and loving friend to his wife and children. Show an interest in what interests them.
• If his wife has any concerns or hesitations regarding his relationship with you, get out of the way! Request a transfer or quit your job if necessary. She may be overly sensitive; she may be a “terrible wife.” There may be “nothing going on” between you and her husband. Regardless, it is your responsibility to do everything in your power to encourage and protect their marriage. Do not let yourself become a wedge in his relationship with his wife—for any reason.

Respond to God’s Spirit for Maximum Protection
• Don’t allow a mental, emotional, or spiritual bond between you that is more intimate than what he has with his wife. Ask the Lord to prompt you when you are getting too close.
• Be accountable. Share your “hedges” with one or more close women friends who will commit to ask periodically whether you are maintaining them.
• If you find yourself being tempted mentally or emotionally, share with a mature, female confidant, for purposes of accountability. Don’t wait until you’re in trouble to reach out for help!
• If another believer expresses concern about your relationship with a married man, don’t dismiss their caution. The wise person listens to and heeds counsel!
• Depend on the indwelling Spirit of God to guard your heart, direct your steps, and protect your relationships.

Making it Personal
Write a prayer responding to what you have just read.
• Express your commitment to be pure in your relationships with men (whether married or single).
• Ask God to show you what practical “hedges” need to be in place in your life and to give you grace to maintain those safeguards.
• If you are in a situation where you are vulnerable to temptation or have developed an inappropriate relationship with a man, record what steps you intend to take to obey God and be pleasing to Him in this matter.
• Ask God to guard your heart, to make your life a reflection of the purity and love of Christ, and to help you be a blessing rather than a hindrance to the men around you and to their wives and children.

My Personal “Hedges”

Make a list of specific “hedges” that you believe need to be in place in your relationships with married men. (Over the years, I have added to and refined my own list. I am still growing and learning in this matter. As you grow, ask the Lord to make you aware of additional “hedges” that may be needed in your life.)

Remember that these “hedges” are not intended to be a burden, but a blessing—not to put you in prison, but to help protect you and others.

And remember that no list of “rules” can make you holy. Look to Christ—seek to love Him supremely. Be sensitive to the leading of His Spirit. Follow Him. Depend on His grace to guard your heart. He is the one who is able to “keep you from falling” (Jude 24).

“I am convinced that he is able to guard until
that Day what has been entrusted to me. . . .
By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard
the good deposit entrusted to you.”
2 Timothy 1:12, 14

Monday, January 5, 2015


My two loves

One of the most beautiful and special things about being a woman in a relationship with a man is when he leads you to the Lord!

I have been blessed by the Lord that He has chosen to give me such a man in Hayden.

There are plenty of amazing things that I could share about him (like the way he makes me laugh or the way he loves my daughter), but the thing that I value the most in him is his passion for the Lord!
His passion for the Lord is what directs him in all the areas of his life and is what helps him to lead me.

One of the ways that I love to learn from him is when he shares what God has placed on his heart during his sermons or when he speaks at church events.

Sunday morning Hayden preached a sermon and I was so blessed by what he shared that I had to share some of it with others. ( I won't even come close to sharing what he shared...but I will simply share with you what the Lord taught me)

His sermon was based out of Philippians 3:7-14. (check out this passage)

He used this passage to encourage and challenge the church to not focus on the things in the past, but to strive towards the future. In order to grow we have to let go of things in our past so that we can fully live out our purpose.

He had the church repeat the phrase, " Let go... and grow"
He shared with us that one of his mentors years ago told him that, "When you change the way you look at things, the thing you look at will change"

So many times we get stuck in our past failures and we live there.
We are afraid to step out in faith and walk where the Lord is leading us because we live in fear.

Hayden's sermon reminded me that God wants us to live in victory! God wants us to strive daily to live out our purpose and not be in chains to fear and worry and anxiety.

Do you know your purpose?
Maybe it is to be a great stay at home mom...
Maybe you have been called to a specific mission field...
Maybe it is to help the homeless...
Maybe it is just to love on others daily and show them the love of God...

Whatever you believe God has purposed you to do while you are here on this earth don't let fear keep you from walking in that purpose!

Hayden challenged everyone to choose a word that would define your year.
He also challenged us to pick a phrase that would go along with that word and a scripture verse that would give him focus for the year.

Hayden's word was- Direct
Hayden's phrase was - I will make my plans, but it is the Lord that directs my steps. (that is a scripture in Psalms)
Hayden's Scripture was Genesis 18:19 " 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

I would encourage anyone that reads this to try this out. It is a great way to set a goal for the year that will help you to focus on the Lord! It will really help you to take your eyes off your past and to take hold of what God has for your future!

The Lord wants us to live in victory and freedom!

I am so blessed to be led by this man that loves the Lord and I encourage everyone to come hear a good word from him! You will be blessed beyond measure!

Oh how He loves you and me!