"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Monday, January 30, 2012

Come a little closer...

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"-John 14:27

Today....I was overwhelmed with so many things in life.

Have you ever had those days?
Maybe you have had one of those weeks, months or even years....

I was in a place where I was just so overwhelmed with so many different things that I started to get really emotional (imagine that right..ha)
Anyways, on my lunch break I went outside and got in my car, rolled down the windows, closed my eyes and just let the fresh breeze blow across my face. I took several deep breaths in....and then out.
As I calmed down I began to simply talk to God.
I talk to Him like He is my BFF and I imagine that we are sitting on a grassy spot overlooking the red sea. (I am not sure there is really a grassy spot overlooking the red sea...but its my imagination.!)
I used to think that prayer had to be so strict and careful. I used to think there were rules attached to speaking to Him.
I still believe that we honor and respect Him during the times that we talk to Him, but I truly believe now that He just wants us to come to Him.
Come to Him in laughter...
Come to Him in tears...
Come to Him when you are hurting, broken, and angry.
Share with Him your heart!

My heart is so full right now for the brokenness I see all around me.
I help patients on a daily basis who look to me for financial help with their dental needs.
How do you look in the eyes of a person who needs dental care, but they are unable to come up with any sort of payment?
How do you offer encouragement to someone who is crying because they are aching in pain from an infection that has set in due to a rotten tooth that they didn't have the money to get taken care of sooner?
Is there any way possible to hug someone strong enough to allow them to feel the depth of your compassion for their hurt?
Can you even begin to convey your understanding of their pain?

 I sometimes wonder why God gave me such a sensitive heart. I mean seriously!!!!! I can get teary-eyed at the drop of hat!
At times I think it is a curse...but then again I am able to connect with people in moments of complete vulnerability and share with them the one thing that this world cannot offer.
I am able in those moments to offer hope!
This world has nothing that we can hold on to!
Nothing we work for...
No relationship we can attain...
No amount of money we can make...
No great job that will last forever...
The only thing we can hold on to in the midst of all of our discouragement is HOPE!

Dear and beloved friends...whatever you are facing...whatever circumstance is looming before you...He is going to carry you through!
That is what the Lord revealed to me as I sat quietly in my car today.
There is nothing that I can do in my own power to help the people that I meet, or even the people that I love who are hurting. BUT....I can offer HOPE in the Lord's faithfulness to see them through!

Are there things in your life right now that seem overwhelmingly out of your control?
Are you fearful of a certain situation that is standing like a giant before you????
Are you weary of walking or at times feel like you are crawling towards the finish line of life???
Enter your circumstance here ______________________________________________________

  My friends this life might shake you...but we stand on a firm foundation of faith that no matter how shaky things get...He is holding our world in His hands!

Like always I am crying in joy as I write this blog and praying that someones heart might be encouraged!
I pray that when you read this your heart will long to go to Him in quietness of spirit and simply talk to Him.
I know in this you will find HOPE!

Oh dear friends how He loves you and me!!!

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