Tonight I was sitting in my apartment looking at pictures of my friends and family and I started to tear up.
I am blessed to know so many great people!
Despite all these amazing people... I have longed for more in my life. (not proud of that fact)
More stuff, more money, unlimited amounts of money to spend on shoes (of course!), to own a Starbucks, to meet Russell Westbrook and beat him in basketball(or just talk to him actually), to accept a Grammy, to run a 5k and not want to vomit, and to be maybe just one inch taller!
No really...I have to be serious when I say that just six months ago I was really just spinning my wheels to get somewhere and I wasn't taking the time to really just enjoy the people in my life and marvel at how God has blessed me with relationships that mean more than having the chance to play basketball with Russell Westbrook...uhhhh...well maybe not that dream in particular ;) (just kidding...kinda)
I am really ashamed that I was so focused on me. I LOVE people and did not even realize I wasn't thanking God and living out that thankfulness for the special people He placed in my life.
I have some of the dearest, sweetest, loving parents that anyone could hope for in this world! (if you know them then your heart understands what I am saying)
I have two sisters and a brother that would give up just about anything if I needed them.
I have two brothers-in-love that are so amazing to my sisters!
I also have the best three nephews in the world that love Jesus and aren't afraid to share it!(love boldness in the younger generation...especially when they are my boys! #proudaunt)
I have two really special best friends that I know God gave me on purpose!
I also have so many dear people in my life that I work with, go to church with and minister with that I can't begin to imagine what life would be like without having known them!
I believe that God plans who we will meet.(this is so special if you think about it)
After that meeting it is up to us to walk in grace, mercy and love to that person.(not always easy)
I have not always been the best friend, sister or daughter to the people in my life, but I realize now that that is all this life is about while we are here! Building relationships with the people we are so unbelievably blessed to know!
Looking back on some of my friendships that I have failed to live out this way I feel a heavy weight that I didn't give more. I am so thankful for a God that renews and restores what has been broken. The fact that He lovingly restores me to Him each time I fail and make a mistake propels me forward and gives me the passion to do it more for the people in my life.
His love is so is so true and so faithful. He created us to know Him...and in knowing Him we can learn how to live and walk in love even when it seems impossible! We will fail in attempting to do this alone...but with His help we might fail, but we will be able to get up and try again!
At any moment our money, careers, possessions and health can be taken from us. So when that reality hit me I realized that my joy can't be found in stuff. It can't be found in the people I love either...but it can be found in giving love to those people.
Jesus walked this earth in love and His purpose was to restore people to Him so that they could live in true peace and walk in that same love towards others!
Each day that we are given we have an opportunity to impact the life of someone we know!
I know that so many of my friends have touched my heart and left an imprint on my soul that won't be forgotten! I pray that I can live out each day loving others the way they have loved me and the way that God loves us!
Is there someone special in your life that you need to share with them how much you love them?
Is there someone that you talk to everyday that you could just love on to make them feel a taste of God's goodness?
I pray that God helps me to be a better representation of His love each day!
Oh how He loves you and me!
(P.S. If anyone reading this knows Russell Westbrook...please hook me up with a meeting!)
note: Love this girl! She is genuine and heart-felt.