"Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

The deep desire of my heart is to show people the love of Christ! His love is not religion...it is about a deep relationship that provides grace, mercy and hope for life.
My prayer is that this world would be changed by His love...one person at a time!

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

" If you judge people you have not time to love them." -Mother Teresa

Thursday, April 21, 2011

CLOSED??? NOPE...just a detour

So I know I have been writing a lot lately...but I just can't help it when my brain gets to workin...
My mind get to thinking about things and it will almost explode if I don't get it out and share it with someone.
I am not even sure how many people read these blogs, but I know that it makes me feel better :)
I know I have already established from some of my previous blogs that I am a little crazy; so just to confirm that fact I am going to prove it by some of the silly things that I am about to reveal about myself. (if you do some of these things too...please comment and let me know so I don't feel so crazy)

One of the things that fuels my passion for writing is the ability to look at anything and see the brilliance and beauty behind it.

Some of the crazy things I think about are things like this...
I smell a skunk and marvel at the fact that its smell doesn't bother me; and yet so many people "claim" (still don't believe this) that it stinks. I don't get it at all...but sometimes I feel sorry for the skunk and want to write a story about what it would be like to be known to the world as big stinker!
I can see a broken limb hanging from a tree, and I start to think up a story in my mind that could help someone relate to feeling broken in their own life.
I will see men and women holding up signs that say, "will work for food",and I will begin to write their story in my head. I think up a story that would reveal why they might be where they are, and then in the end I always give them a triumphant finish!
This happens all through my day and I am flooded with all of these made up stories that I just cant help but share!

Today, I saw something that put a story in my mind...

I was on my way to work and I was in a little bit of a hurry, so I decided to take the back roads to get to my destination.
My radio was playing a good song,the windows were down and my fingers were tapping against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the beat.
I looked at my clock and realized I was really cutting it close to making it to work on time... so I decided to go a little bit faster.(I know I was wrong for speeding)(I was only going 5 miles over)...(I KNOW SPEEDING IS SPEEDING :)
As I got a little further down the road I began to notice in the distance some big trucks and large road equipment sitting right in my way!
Of course my first thought was, "UGHHHH! I'm already running late!"
and then of course my second thought was, "UGHHHHHHHHHHH!"(actually that was a continual feeling I had as I stared at the road block in front of me)

As I neared the road construction I saw two big signs that said "Road Closed" and "Detour".


I sat there for a couple of seconds trying to decide which way to turn since I was not allowed to go forward anymore.
As I sat there, my "story brain" started to kick in and I began to write a story for this situation.
(I even took a snapshot with my camera...its the pic posted at the top of the blog)

After turning left I began to think of all the times in my life when God has put a "Road Closed" sign on the path that I am walking through in my life.
I have had a lot of those signs placed in front of me...
I am just going along in life and for some reason God puts road block after road block in my path.
And after each one I think the same thing I thought today...
It is never a pleasant experience when God places a road block in our path.
I mean, we know that in order to get to where we are going... going forward would be the quickest and easiest way to get there. It just makes sense...right???
But for some reason we are told to take a detour, or as it is also known "the long stinking way around", and find a different way to our final destination.

It's never easy to be stopped in our tracks. BUT...God knows the appropriate time to close a road in our life and take us on a detour that might be the long way around...but it will definitely be the road we need to take in order to get us to where He wants us to be!

Has God closed a road in your life lately?
Have you been on a detour for a really long time?

Wherever you are at on the road of life, just remember that you can safely set your life on cruise control and allow the Lord to take you home.

Oh how He loves you and me!!!

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