Can you remember the times that God called you to a journey that seemed impossible?
Have you had a time like that?
Maybe you are in the midst of a dark journey that He called you to long ago. You knew at the onset that the road would be long and hard, but how could you say NO to God right?
Maybe you didn't choose to be where you are at. It might be that the Lord brought you down a path without asking, but now that you are here He is requiring you to take on His purpose and walk the long road.
Sometimes in life the road we are walking down is rough, dark, and full of unexpected bumps along the way. Life begins to eat away at us, and as we look down the path there seems to be no end in sight. Although we know deep down inside why we are walking down this road, we begin to loose sight of God's purpose for this journey.
We loose sight because life is hard and maybe we didn't really want to walk this road.
As we loose hope all sorts of devestating emotions begin to cloud our view....
Fear becomes a stumbling block that we trip over and begins to slow our pace...
Self-Doubt soon follows, as well as grief, resentment and anger.
Before we know it we have completely lost sight and have fallen to our knees....
I mean lets be's hard! We feel like nobody can understand our pain and that although we feel like we have been faithful, God will not deliver us!
Oh my friend...but HE WILL!!!!
Whatever journey you are on today, remember that there WILL be an end to the journey. Although we can't understand why God allows us to walk down these paths, we have to remember that each journey we take is a part of His bigger plan for our life.
That plan is called your mission!
God has placed you on this earth for a reason!
You were designed for His glory...and whatever you are going through now will be used for His glory.
I know that sometimes we can't understand why we are called by God to complete a task that seems hopeless and that is okay. However, we have to stive daily to lift our heads high and look towards the horizon. As long as we are alive our mission will never be complete. Its okay to fall to our knees every now and then. In fact, its in those moments that we can bow our heads and ask God for the strength to continue. BUT no matter how hard it seems we have to get back on our feet, bloody and bruised, and keep marching toward the finish line.
Isaiah the prophet faced the same thing. However, he knew his task was destined to fail. He knew this because the Lord told him it would. God said "Whom shall I send?And who will go for Us?" and Isaiah said "Here am I. Send me!"
God was calling Isaiah to go to a nation and preach repentance and salvation to a nation that would turn their eyes, ears and hearts away. He was calling him to a journey that would be lonely, hard and doomed to fail, but He called him anyways.
Maybe your journey seems doomed to fail, but I encourage you to go anyways!
Even though Isaiah knew that his labor would not save the nation, he did it anyways!
His journey was long and hard, but it served the purpose of bringing glory to the Lord.
It was his mission!
So today think about what your mission is in the midst of your current journey....
He has you there for a reason.
If you find yourself down on your knees, lift your head to the sky, wipe the dust from your feet and keep going!
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